The Spaces Within a Commercial Office

Are you a person who needs quiet space to achieve your to-do list? Are you someone who thrives working in group settings? No matter who you are and your design preferences, your business’s office should have a space tailored to your needs. Because we all know, there isn’t one layout style that works for each person, much less works for every task.

This article will explore each of the spaces that are commonly found in newly designed dynamic offices.


Individual Space

There are certain tasks that require deep concentration – writing or complex math, for example. When this is the case, it is important to be in a quiet environment, which is why our first category exists.

Individual, executive style offices are a classic way to close a door and complete necessary task work requiring isolation and focus. However, most office spaces simply aren’t large enough to accommodate an individual office for each employee. This is why new dynamic offices are venturing into two different ideas.

  1. Private offices available by reservation
  2. Phone-booth-style private spaces

Each of these options have their own unique benefits but both solve for the requirement of needing separated spaces for individuals.


Collaborative Space

The second space found in an office is a collaborative space. Traditionally, this is a conference room, but new office designs are implementing more flexible spaces. The focus of this second category is interaction – meaning that any layout should contribute to the ease of working as a team.

You’ll often find white boards, large monitors or TVs, and an extensive amount of seating. Conference rooms are often set up around a large table, but that isn’t required. In fact, many newly designed spaces feature various types of furniture, all on casters, for re-organization as the tasks require.


Technology Space

While technology will be implemented in a variety of areas throughout an office building, this third category focuses on the accessibility of outlets, internet connection, and other necessary technology for productivity.

These spaces are often refereed to as a touchdown space – a less formal office where employees can gather to complete mostly individual tasks.


Relaxation Space

The last section of an office that we are going to cover is the informal break room or gathering area. This category is focused on mental restoration and should be a casual, comfortable environment that is inducive to relaxing the mind. These areas may feature small tables, couches, and even games.

In this space, employees can bond and strengthen their coworking relationships, they can eat lunch, or they can simply take a break from their tasks. Studies show that periodic rest is beneficial for prolonged productivity.


Does your commercial office space feature each of these categories? What steps can be taken to improve the spaces that you do have? If you have questions on how to upgrade your spaces with new furniture, our team would love to help provide answers! Visit our products page today to see more.

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